The Core Master is the first fitness product that works the outer, middle and deep inner core muscles…. all at once.

Due to the engineered registered design of the Core Master, it works better than anything similar on the market. With over 100 different exercise variations, Core Master is suitable for all levels, from complete beginner to elite athlete.

The Core Master is a balance board with a centrally located ball which allows the user to roll, tilt and rotate the deck and plank whilst balancing and moving simultaneously through a library of traditional and exclusive exercises. Most exercises can be done in full plank or kneeling plank position.

There are 3 different grip positions: with handles, without handles and dome. Planking works the middle core TVA (Transverse Abdominis), also muscles in the back, glutes, legs and arms. Balancing whilst planking on the Core Master also works the deepest core muscles in and around the spine. This will increase the user’s spinal strength and stability.

Moving forward and backwards whilst balancing and planking on the Core Master flexes and extends the outer six-pack abdominal and back muscles. This is like doing sit ups/crunches and back extension exercises, therefore working those visible muscles too! The sense of instability and movement the Core Master creates, forces your whole core to stay engaged, going far beyond the benefits of a standard plank or balance board. Press ups on the Core Master will highlight the benefits of the instability and the core strength required. Core Master exercises are both isometric and dynamic, not only working all the layers of the core, but every muscle in the body simultaneously.

As you have so many muscles working together and all these muscles need oxygen, it makes Core Master a great cardiovascular and fat burning workout too. Having a strong, flexible core underpins almost everything you do in everyday life, particularly in the sports field. Bending, turning, sitting, standing, running and walking all use your core muscles. Virtually all sports are powered by your core and a strong core will help with your strength, stamina and stability and improve your overall fitness. A strong core helps to provide good posture taking the strain off your spine. The Core Master is suitable for most non-skid surfaces although for best results we recommend using on a rubber gym mat. (See the Core Master gym mat available on our website).

Do not use on tiles, vinyl or wet surfaces. Remember the smoother the surface the more difficult the exercises become as you need more core strength to stabilise the Core Master.

Workouts: go to to see the full workout library.
