Operator provides free access to body composition analysis

PARKWOOD Leisure has installed new boditrax body composition technology into 21 leisure centres across England and Wales. 

The platform provides a comprehensive full body scan, helping users learn more about their bodies and track composition changes over time, receiving data on body weight, BMI, body fat percentage and muscle mass.

The technology is free to use for anybody, enabling members and non-members alike to use the devices to not just set goals, but to accurately monitor and track their progress.

Since installing boditrax, there have been more than 38,000 users at Parkwood’s leisure facilities and more than 16,000 scans across 21 sites. While the majority of scans were completed by users aged 25-44, the technology has been used across all age groups, from under-18s to users aged 75 and older.

Parkwood has experienced overwhelmingly positive feedback from their members with the introduction of boditrax. 
