IIH UK partners with 1FitLife to launch specialist online wellbeing videos

IIH UK has partnered with digital workout creator 1FitLife to create specialist activity videos as part of the charity’s ongoing work to encourage people living with Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertensionto improve their wellbeing.

IIH is a rare neurological condition associated with raised fluid pressure around the brain, causing disabling daily headaches, brain fog, fatigue and visual loss, which can be permanent. 

The condition can affect anyone but is found more frequently in women (90 per cent) and is common in teenagers and young women. 

IIH is more often found in those with increased body weight, and recent studies show IIH is more than a disease of the brain and eyes and that people with IIH are insulin and leptin resistant and have fat programmed for making more fat, suggesting an underlying metabolic problem too.

An IIH UK survey found that 78 per cent of people with IIH who were advised to lose weight were not offered support in achieving it and 84 per cent of those that were offered support did not find it helpful and appropriate. 

In response to these figures IIH UK has teamed up with leading agency for fitness and wellness content creation 1FitLife to create bespoke wellness videos that offer the IIH community a beneficial, safe, expert-led wellbeing programme that goes beyond just focusing on weight loss.
