Report shows a lack of opportunity for career progression in fitness industry

A NEW report identifying skills gaps in the physical activity sector has shown that close to half of fitness professionals see limited opportunities to develop their careers.

The Skills Gap Report, developed by Active IQ, also identified that only 20 per cent of fitness professionals believe there are ‘plenty’ of opportunities to develop, despite 42 per cent of gyms and leisure centres saying they are struggling to find people to fill fitness instructor roles.

Managing director Jenny Patrickson said: “It is crucial for industry stakeholders to collaborate and create more opportunities for personal trainers and fitness instructors to progress their careers. 

“Investing in professional development will not only attract more individuals to the industry but also ensure that professionals can advance their skills and careers.

“By pinpointing these gaps, we can raise the bar for the entire industry, driving higher standards and better outcomes. It is vital for the industry to create and guide professionals towards new opportunities.

“We must take collective responsibility to open development pathways and clearly show professionals how to achieve their career goals. Employers, educators and industry leaders must unite to provide fitness professionals with the resources and support needed to advance their careers.”

More than half (52 per cent) of fitness professionals believe that improving their business skills would enhance their chances of success, and nearly half (49 per cent) feel it would enable them to expand their businesses.

The data also showed areas that require attention from industry leaders, such as the customisation of training programmes. More than a third (35 per cent) of fitness professionals struggle to tailor fitness programmes for individuals with physical disabilities, and 41 per cent find it challenging to adapt for those with chronic illnesses.
