Gym is unexpected haven for Cheadle widower

A WIDOWER who never thought he’d step foot inside a gym has hailed his local leisure centre as his reason to get up in the morning.

David King, 75, said his career as a joiner and passion for the outdoors always kept him fit and healthy. So, when his physiotherapist suggested he should join a gym to help heal his broken foot, he was reluctant.

Four years later, he says joining Life Leisure in Cheadle is the best thing he’s done, especially since losing his wife, boosting both his physical and emotional health.

The grandfather-of-one said: “I cannot express how much I enjoy and value my time at Life Leisure. I enjoy the fitness aspect and feeling strong and healthy again, but I also enjoy seeing people and the social side too – it’s really quite special.

“I’m not very sporty and I’ve never been interested in leisure centres, so it’s amazing to think that I’m here almost every day now – if my wife could see me now she wouldn’t believe it!”

David, whose wife Diane passed away from lung cancer six years ago, added that it’s unexpectedly filled part of the hole she has left.

He said: “I’m not a particularly sociable guy – when I was a kid I was always the shy one in the corner and the last to be picked for the sports team. But at Life Leisure you feel part of the family.

“It’s also nice to be around people whose lives wouldn’t normally cross. There are a lot of young mums who I really get along with and have a good laugh with – it sounds odd, but my wife was a very strong character and was just like them, so it really fills a hole being around women who have similar attitudes and outlook on life.”
